Aesthetics in education, culture and tradition, The Oxford Conference
Πρακτικά του Συμποσίου ‘’η Αισθητική στην παιδεία, τον πολιτισμό και την παράδοση’’ Οξφόρδη, 29 Αυγούστου – 1 Σεπτεμβρίου 1996, με οργανωτές την Βρεταννική Εταιρεία Αισθητικής και την Ελληνική Εταιρεία Αισθητικής.
SIR BERNARD FEILDEN, The Aesthetics of Architectural Conservation
DIONYSIS ZIVAS, The Urban Environment as an Aesthetic Experience
TERRY DIFFEY, The Concept of Landscape….
ALEXANDER ZANNOS, On Architecture and Quality
PANAYOTIS TOURNIKIOTIS, The Aesthetics of Historical Stratification. Architecture and Archaeology
STEIN OLSEN, The Concept of a Literary Canon
SUSAN WILSMORE, Reflections on Paradox: The Theoretical Problems of the Restoration and Conservation of Modern Building
THERESA PENTZOPOULOU-VALALAS, Tradition and “Bildung”. A response to Richard Woodfield
ANDREW BALLANTYNE, Reason and Unreason the Street
NICHOLAS DAVEY, Of Beauty and Nearness: a Hermeneutic Reflection
PANAYIOTIS PATTICHIS, Aesthetic Evaluation and Enjoyment of Pericles’ “Funeral Oration”
ED WINTERS, The Role of Experience in Art and Architectural History
NICK MCADOO, As Time Goes by. Music and Time
YANNIS IOANNIDIS, Aspects of Tradition in Music
ANTAL LUKÁCS, Aspects of Modern Hungarian Music: Musical Tradition and New Music
ATHANASSIA GLYCOFRYDI-LEONTSINI, The Classic and the Romantic in Neo-Hellenic Aesthetics
SUZANNE STERN-GILLET, Form and Beauty in Plotinus
PAVLOS SCALTSOYANNIS, Expression, Description and Individualization in R. G. Collingwood’s “The Principles of Art”
HUGH BREDIN, Art and Literature in Plato’s “Republic”
Οἱ συνεργάτες τοῦ τόμου
Contributors to this Volume
Symposium Programme