Νέες προοπτικές στην αισθητική και τη φιλοσοφία της τέχνης / New perspectives in aesthetics and philosophy art.
Συμπόσιο αισθητικής που οργανώθηκε κατά τη διάρκεια της Συνάντησης στην Αθήνα της Εκτελεστικής Επιτροπής της Διεθνούς Ενώσεως Αισθητικής με οργανωτές την Ελληνική Εταιρεία Αισθητικής και χορηγό το Ίδρυμα Παναγιώτη και Έφης Μιχελή.
Conference Programme
Opening speech
Plenary speeches
KEN-ICHI SASAKI, The poetic as desyntaxation – a rough sketch
THÉRÈSE PENTZOPOULOU-VALALAS, Neo-traditionalism: a new trend in aesthetics?
Session 1: Aesthetics, cognition, education
CURTIS CARTER, Arts and cognition: performance, criticism and aesthetics
JALE NEJDET ERZEN, Abstraction into mysticism: two Turkish painters
VAIDAS MATONIS, Aesthetic/artistic education as a form of cultural studies
NILZA DE OLIVEIRA, Aesthetics and meanings of art
MOON-HWAN KIM, Possibility of a post-colonialist theory for aesthetic studies in East Asia
HENK SLAGER, Methododicy.
Session 2: The evolution of aesthetics
KONSTANTIN DOLGOV, New prospects in aesthetics and philosophy of art
ARTO HAAPALA, Art, knowledge and understanding the world
KATYA MANDOKI, Quotidian aesthetics
JOS DE MUL, From Odyssey to Cyberpunk – literary exploration of space vs spatial exploration of literature
Session 3: Problematics in aesthetics
NICK MCADOO, Can anything resemble anything? The problem of depiction in art.
RUTH LORAND, Why is beauty so difficult to define? A reading of Hippias Greater
KEN’ICHI IWAKI, Aesthetics as a hybrid theory of aisthesis: on the relationship between Japanese contemporary art and the body
MARIA DE LAS NIEVES EIRIN DE RAPP, Aesthetics and new technologies
GAO JIANPING, Το begin with a beautiful line…
JERROLD LEVINSON, Musical thinking
HEINZ PAETZOLD, The ‘cultural turn’ in contemporary urbanism
The authors
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