Stella Markantonatou, Anastasia Christofidou & Vassiliki Afentoulidou, Introduction: Linguistic research on Modern Greek multiword expressions (1980-today)
Anna Anastasiadis-Symeonidis, Aggeliki Fotopoulou & Tita Kyriakopoulou, Multiword expressions in Modern Greek: synthetic review on their nature
Marianna Apidianaki, Prokopis Prokopidis & Haris Papageorgiou, Combining cross-lingual and syntactic evidence for Greek multiword expression identification
Chariton Charitonidis, Evaluative heads in English and Modern Greek compounding
Anastasia Christofidou, Vassiliki Afentoulidou, Athanasios Karasimos & Rebeca Vassiliadou, Compoundhood: defining, extracting and monitoring multiword A+N compounds in a database of Greek neologisms
Voula Giouli, The semantics of MWEs: representation in a computational lexical resource
Stella Markantonatou, George Zakis, Panagiotis Minos, Erasmia Koletti, Elpiniki Margariti & Emilia Stripeli, IDION (ΙΔΙΟΝ): a lexicographic environment for the documentation of Greek idioms
Jelena Mitrovic, Stella Markantonatou & Cvetana Krstev, A cross-linguistic study on Greek and Serbian fixed similes and enrichment of lexical resources via crowdsourcing
Rania Papadopoulou & George J. Xydopoulos, The influence of English on Modern Greek: evaluating some newly imported multiword expressions
Emilia Stripeli, Prokopis Prokopidis & Haris Papageorgiou, Semi-automatic extraction of light verb constructions from Greek corpora
Paraskevi Thomou, Towards a constructional account of multiword units in Modern Greek: a corpus-based study
Madeleine Voga & Anna Anastasiadis-Symeonidis, The role of conceptual metaphors in the comprehension of Greek idioms: a self-paced reading study
Βασιλική Φούφη & Τίτα Κυριακοπούλου, Κατασκευή γλωσσικών πόρων για την αυτόματη αναγνώριση πολυλεκτικών σύνθετων μονάδων της Νέας Ελληνικής
Γλώσσα: Ελληνικά / Αγγλικά