Ε. MouτsoPouιos, Preface
L. ΒEΝΑΚΙS, Address
G. SEEI., Transcendental arguments against determinism in ancient philosophy
κ. ΔΕΣΠΟΤΟΠΟΥΛΟΥ, ‘Ανάγκη, ‘Ελευθερία, Τύχη
C. DESPOTOPOULOS, Necessite, Liberte, Hasard
Ε. ΜOUTSOPOULOS, Hasard et necessite dans le Tίmee et les Loίs de Platon
G. ROMEYER DHERBEY, La causalite desorientee
C. NATALI, La causa dell’azione umana secondo Alessandro d’Afrodisia,
Mantissa, 23 e Defa to, 15
Μ. DRAGONA -MONACHOU, Freedom, chance and necessity in Marcus Aurelius
Μ. FREDE, The εφ’ ημίv in ancient philosophy
J. DILLOΝ, The freedom of the caged bird: Plotinus οn «what is in our power»
G. ROMEYER DHERBEY, Allocution de cloture
Μ. PROTOPAPAS – MARNELI, Acknowledgements
Μ. DRAGONA – MONACHOU, Michae1 Frede