Contents / Table des matieres
Une polemique chez les philhellenes a Geneve en 1827. Jean-Guillaume de Lunzi et Frederic Lullin de Chateauvieux – Michelle Bouvier-Bron
La seconde vie des chansons populaires grecques. Modes d’incorporation de l’element populaire dans l’intelligentsia du XIXe siecle – Alexis Politis
Neophytos Vamvas and Religious Toleration – Nicholas Eliopoulos
loannis Makriyannis: From History to Anthropology -Thanos Veremis
Oracular Prophecy and the Politics of Toppling Ottoman Rule in South-East Europe – Marios Hatzopoulos
Establishing the Discipline of Classical Philology in Nineteenth-century Greece – Sophia Matthaiou
Nuances of Irredentism: The Epirote Society of Athens (1906-1912) – Spyros Ploumidis
Nikos Kazantzakis and Travel Writing: Innovating in Poetics and Politics – Lena Arampatzidou
Sotiris Walden, Παράταιροι εταίροι. Ελληνική δικτατορία, κομμουνιστικά καθεστώτα και Βαλκάνια, 1967-1974 – Iacovos D. Michailidis
Greek Historiography and Slav-Macedonian National Identity – Aristotle Tziampiris