Aesthetics in education, culture and tradition. Proceedings of the Symposium on Aesthetics in education, culture and tradition Athens, 11-12 November 1994. Organised by the British Society of Aesthetics and the Hellenic Society for Aesthetics and sponsored by the ‘’Panayotis and Effie Michelis Foundation’’
CONSTANTINE DESPOTOPOULOS, Aesthetics in Education, Culture, and Tradition, Opening Address
Aesthetic Values and the Classical Legacy
GORAN SÖRBOM, Looking at Pictures as a Form of “Aesthesis”
GEORGE BOZONIS, The Aesthetic Values as Essential Structure of the Classical Mind
WILLIAM CHARLTON, Plato and the Concept of Beauty
THERESA PENTZOPOULOU-VALALAS, Nietzsche and Aristotle: Tragedy as an Aesthetic Phenomenon
TERRY DIFFEY, On Aesthetic Judgement
GEORGIA APOSTOLOPOULOU, Heidegger and the Revision of the Classic
SUZANNE STERN-GILLET, Sophocles’ “Philoctetes”: An Aristotelian Drama
PAVLOS LEFAS: The Theory of Ideas as a Tool for Understanding the Stone Temple
PAUL SCALTSOYANNIS, The Sublime in Immanuel Kant’s Aesthetic Philosophy
Aesthetics in Education
HUGH BREDIN, Plato, the Poets, and the Education of Children
ATHANASSIA GLYCOFRYDI-LEONTSINI, Aesthetic Education and Cultural Identity
RICHARD WOODFIELD, Tradition and “Bildung”
CATHERINE KREMEZI, A Methodological Approach to the Architectural Character of Greek Traditional Settlements
NICK MCADOO, Aesthetic Education and the Problem of Involuntariness in our Response to Art
NICHOLAS DAVEY, “Theoria” and Aesthetic Education
Aesthetics, Environment and Tradition
ANDREW BALLANTYNE, Becoming Ancient, Becoming Greek: Richard Payne Knight at Stonebrook Cottage
PANAYOTIS TOURNIKIOTIS, The Invocation of the Precedent in Architecture
EDWARD WINTERS, The Built Environment, the Aesthetic Environ and their Points of Congruence
GEORGE LAVAS, Macrocephaly and Aesthetics: Contradictions and Prospects in Athens
COLIN LYAS, The Expressed Environment
DIONYSIS ZIVAS, Historic and Contemporary Environment: a Synthesis of Contradictions
Contributors to this Volume
Appendix (Symposium Programme)